Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Statement


Environmental Policy



Honour Security Group Limited
Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Statement

It is Honour Security policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees, and that of other persons who could be affected by their undertaking. In accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974and other applicable legislation, the Company will undertake assessments of risks and instigate arrangements that,
so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure;

Places of work are maintained in a safe condition;
Working environments are safe and without risk to health;
Work equipment and systems of work are safe and without risk to health;

Adequate welfare facilities are provided;

Information, instruction, training and supervision is provided to ensure the health and safety of its employees and that of persons who may be affected by their work activities; and seek to reduce accidents by implementing an accident reduction program and introducing the principles of continuous improvement.

Directors and Managers have a key role in maintaining the health, safety and welfare standards of their employees and regard Health and Safety responsibilities towards persons under their direction, with equal importance to that of maintaining customer service levels and profitability.

The effective implementation of this policy requires the co-operation of personnel at all levels and employees are reminded that they have specific legal responsibilities to:
Ensure the health and safety of themselves and of any other persons who may be affected by their acts or
omissions at work;

Use equipment in accordance with the instructions and training provided;
Report any work situation, which is considered to pose a serious and imminent danger;

Co-operate with the Company to comply with any statutory requirement placed upon them; and
Report any matter where it is considered that safety arrangements in force fail to reduce risk to an acceptable level.

The company director is ultimately responsible for health and safety within honour security and as such will ensure adequate resources are available to achieve the aims of this policy and monitor its effectiveness by:

Appointing competent persons to have responsibility and oversight of the organisation’s environmental, health and safety management system, providing advice to the Executive Board and operational management teams as required;

Seek a reduction in accident rates by maintaining a continuous improvement program.

Integrate health, safety and welfare considerations into commercial and investment decisions, the design of services and in business relationships with suppliers and sub-contractors.

Ensure provision is made to allow for consultation with employees as may be required either under agreement or directly.

The Director, his heads of department are responsible for the implementation of this policy and its arrangements as defined within the EH&S Management System, its associated processes and
procedures in relation to the activities under their control. This Policy will be reviewed annually and updated as
necessary to reflect any changes in the activities undertaken by the organisation, revised or new legislative
requirements and amendments to the Honour security group EHS Risk Register and/or Annual Plan.

Honour Security Group Limited
Environmental Policy Statement

Honour security recognises environmental protection as one of the guiding principles of, and a key component to sound
business performance. Honour security is committed to continually providing a quality service in a manner that ensures the organisation minimises its potential impact on the environment. Honour Security will operate in compliance with all
relevant environmental legislation and endeavour to achieve pollution prevention and environmental best practice in all aspects of our business.

To achieve these objectives Honour security will:

• Control and manage its activities to ensure that adverse effects of all operational activities on the environment will be minimised as far as is practicable.

• Consider environmental factors and their impact into all our decisions and activities throughout the Company,
including the environmental impact when relocating or expanding existing facilities.

• Minimise waste through promoting the reduction, re-use and recycling of waste stream resources where
practicable, available, economical and suitable for their relevant purpose.

• Encourage the use of environmentally friendly products when purchasing. Criteria should include, but not be
restricted to; low toxicity, environmental impact, carbon footprint value, durability and hazard rating.

• Undertake carbon footprint measurement for the organisation’s activities and establish a carbon reduction programme to include commitments for carbon offsetting, use of alternative energy and low energy resources.

• Promote environmental awareness among all managers, staff and employees and proactively encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner by communicating this policy at Company Induction

• Giving preferential consideration to environmentally friendly products and suppliers who demonstrate a higher
level of environmental management.

• Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout the company, including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly where such materials are non-renewable.

• As required by legislation or where significant environmental concerns exist, develop and maintain adequate
and appropriate programs to ensure these requirements are met as far as is reasonably practicable.

• Communicate our environmental policy to all our Customers, potential customers, suppliers, contractors and
employees encouraging them to support this policy and co-operate with our Customers’ needs wherever
environmental managements systems are in practice on their sites. This policy is made available to the public
upon request.

• In accordance with the Company’s 14001 standard approval, annually review the Environmental Policy and its arrangements as defined within the organisations environmental management system, Aspects & Impacts.
Register and targets established within the EH&S Plan.